Having to go through periods once a month is already enough to deal with, right? There are all these different and uncomfortable symptoms you are experiencing such as cramps, nausea, craving, and fatigue among other things. Now imagine having to go through this twice a month. As stressful as this sounds it is a reality for many women. This blog post will look at a few possible reasons why it could be happening. Let’s get started!
Why is it happening?

Is it normal?
Just because you have two periods that happen to be within the same month doesn't mean there's a problem. A normal menstrual cycle is between 21 and 35 days. So if your period came at the very beginning of this month and then showed up again at the end, this falls within a typical window. But if you experience bleeding outside of your normal menstrual cycle and suspect you are having a second period, the first thing you should do is figure out if it’s spotting or menstrual bleeding.
So why does it happen?
It happened once
This could be a one-time anomaly. Occasionally, it is common to have a shorter menstrual cycle that includes two periods in a month. After that cycle, your period should go back to about the usual cycle length. This occasional change is why doctors look for consistent patterns of frequent bleeding before making a diagnosis or suggesting treatments unless there is an infection or a more serious issue present. Another reason to track your period🙂
Aspects like period frequency, bleeding days, and how much you bleed are all influenced by your body’s hormone levels. These levels fluctuate throughout your life. In your teen years, cycles are often irregular because of all the hormone changes that are taking place. Then only in your 20s or 30s, your cycles may normalize and become irregular in your 40s and early 50s as you make the transition to menopause.
Uterine fibroids
These are growths that occur in the uterus. Fibroids are usually not cancerous. They may cause problems with your menstrual cycle. You may have more frequent periods (including two periods in one month), longer and heavier periods, and bleeding between periods. While doctors do not know what causes uterine fibroids to develop, they do know that they tend to run in families, and changes in hormone levels can affect them.
This is a condition where tissue that is similar to uterine tissue grows in other areas of the body. Endometriosis can cause abdominal pain, abnormal cramping, and irregular bleeding. Sometimes, bleeding can be heavy enough to seem like another period- which could mean having two periods in one month. People with endometriosis have extra and more severe periods in part because the endometrium has overgrown, which means there’s more of it to be shed.
Thyroid Problems
The thyroid gland and the hormones it makes are important for regulating your menstrual cycle. When you don't have enough thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), your periods can be heavy or more frequent, such as two periods in a month. You may need to change your pad, tampon, or cup every hour or double up your protection (such as wearing a tampon and pad). Your periods may also last longer than a week.
This is when you are transitioning to but have not yet reached menopause. (Menopause begins when you haven't had a period for 12 months in a row.) During this time, your estrogen levels drop. That can make your cycle irregular and your periods more (or less) frequent—possibly causing two periods in one month. Some people have early (before age 45) or premature (before age 40) menopause. Changes in period frequency can be a sign that you’re entering one of these phases.
When to see a doctor
Even though two periods in one month is not always a cause for concern, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor any time your body’s rhythms change. See a doctor if you:
have pain in your lower abdomen that doesn’t go away after a couple of days
spot or bleed in between periods, which is often mistaken for two periods in a month
experience pain during sexual intercourse
have more menstrual cramping than normal
have very heavy periods
notice dark clots during your period
In summary
In certain situations such as puberty and perimenopause, having two periods in one month may not be cause for alarm. However, if you know your cycle and have noted recent changes, or if you just feel like you’re bleeding more than you should be, talk to your doctor. They will help get to the root of the problem and provide a suitable treatment.
Stay informed, stay in control Have you ever experienced two periods in one month?
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